Integrative Center for Wellness and Weight Management

Samoon Ahmad, M.D.

Light in a Forest


The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates believed in a concept that may, on the surface, appear contradictory to modern medicine. He thought that it is more important to know the person with the disease than to know what disease the person has. Simply put, Hippocrates thought that knowing his patients was as critical to treating them as was being able to diagnose their afflictions. This attitude, this patient-centric concept, is central to Dr. Ahmad’s clinical philosophy.

Meet Dr. Ahmad

The founder of the Center is a psychiatrist with an extensive background in internal medicine.

He has over twenty years of experience treating patients in the New York City area.

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Top Psychiatrists in New York

Samoon Ahmad’s Practice has been recognized as one of the top New York Psychiatry practices.
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Integrative Center for Wellness

Provides psychiatric and wellness services to individuals seeking a healthy balance between mind and body. With an ever-increasing amount of medical research now linking brain chemistry with physical health, we strongly support a holistic approach to healthcare that integrates psychiatric and nutritional treatments and emphasizes whole-body wellness.

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