Encephalitis Lethargica and Long COVID: Repeated history and stigma around mental health.
As seen in Psychology Today. The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn comparisons to the 1918 influenza pandemic. Both pandemics spread globally with remarkable speed, and their acute phases led to millions of deaths. What might come as a surprise is that a second pandemic emerged roughly at the same time and lasted for over a decade before disappearing […]

What Seniors Hit Hard by the Pandemic Need Now New research suggests one way to address the impact on mental health.
For over a year, many of us within the medical community have been sounding the alarm about how the COVID-19 pandemic will impact the mental health of individuals across the United States in the long term. The percentage of adults who have reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders throughout the past year has remained […]

The Other Second Wave: COVID-related stressors and increasing instances of substance abuse
This article was also published on KevinMD and Psychology Today. Throughout 2020, the United States has been playing catch-up against the coronavirus. As several well-researched articles have noted, lack of appropriate and timely response has been at the forefront and can be attributed to numerous factors including the highly contagious nature of the virus and […]