Encephalitis Lethargica and Long COVID: Repeated history and stigma around mental health.
As seen in Psychology Today. The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn comparisons to the 1918 influenza pandemic. Both pandemics spread globally with remarkable speed, and their acute phases led to millions of deaths. What might come as a surprise is that a second pandemic emerged roughly at the same time and lasted for over a decade before disappearing […]

How Clinicians Can Address Long COVID: Making sense of new studies that help pinpoint the phenomenon
As seen in Psychology Today. One of the most enduring questions about the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be the long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Given how pervasive infection has been, particularly during the omicron surge, this could have a tremendous impact not only on individual patients but specifically on healthcare systems and to a large extent on the […]