
Why Choose The Integrative Center for Wellness for Weight Loss and Lifestyle Management?
Successful weight loss involves diet, exercise, and behavioral intervention. Many people focus on just one—maybe even two—of these areas while on their weight loss journey. But the three combined best work in tandem as a comprehensive, holistic approach to weight management, and more importantly, improved health and energy. Here, we take a look at how […]
The Psychology of Weight Loss: It’s About More Than What You Eat!
It seems as if every other article appearing in the news today is focused on weight-related concerns. Most famously, “The Biggest Loser” came under fire after new research into the current metabolic functions of its contestants was released. But plenty of other weight-related stories are also appearing right now. For example, CNN recently reported that […]
Weight, Resolutions, And Stress: Why New Year Weight Loss Goals Often Fail
“I want to lose weight.” Every December, this single sentence becomes a goal for an upcoming New Year. Polls confirm that weight loss is the most common New Year’s resolution. Yet, every year, the majority of hopeful people who pledge to drop a few pounds don’t succeed in doing so. Why does this happen? There […]