
Integrative Center for Wellness • Dr. Samoon Ahmad

Gut microbiota, inflammation and immunity

by Samoon Ahmad • May 31, 2015

Scientific research continues to emphasize the importance intestinal microbiome plays in the health and immunity of the host organism. The food we consume is metabolized by the gut microbiota into small molecules that we absorb. Over the past decade, a dysbiosis in the composition of gut microbiota has been found in patients suffering from inflammatory […]

Higher Diet Quality Linked to Less Cognitive Decline

by Samoon Ahmad • May 29, 2015

An international cohort of 31,456 subjects aged 55 and older from 40 countries completed a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) during baseline testing and at least once during follow-up. Each participant provided dietary information and was measured on cognitive function/decline over the period of 5 years. The study did not focus on the Mediterranean diet specifically […]

Psychiatry and the Gut: The Role of Microbiota in Mood Disorders

by Samoon Ahmad • May 27, 2015

The community of bacteria and their genetic material also known as the human microbiome has been estimated to 100 trillion in the human gut alone. Gut microbiota contribute to a normal, healthy state of homeostasis in the human organism. The human body provides habitat and nutrition for the microbiota which in return provide beneficial effects […]