Integrative Center for Wellness • Dr. Samoon Ahmad
The Psychology of Weight Loss: It’s About More Than What You Eat!
It seems as if every other article appearing in the news today is focused on weight-related concerns. Most famously, “The Biggest Loser” came under fire after new research into the current metabolic functions of its contestants was released. But plenty of other weight-related stories are also appearing right now. For example, CNN recently reported that […]
Refresh Your Health With A Detox & Cleanse At The Integrative Center For Wellness
At the Integrative Center for Wellness, we believe that “Spring cleaning” is about more than cleaning out your home or apartment. Our bodies also deserve a little TLC during this time of renewal. Our physical health is dependent on the body’s ability to do its job. Yet, day in and day out, our bodies are […]
Understanding And Treating Depression at the Integrative Center For Wellness
“Cheer up.” Those two simple words are an example of one of the misunderstandings surrounding depression today. Depression is not a matter of being happy or unhappy. It’s a real, chronic health issue that affects 1 in 10 Americans at any point in time. But unlike the physical ailments medical doctors treat daily, mental health […]