
Integrative Center for Wellness • Dr. Samoon Ahmad

The Psychology of Weight Loss: It’s About More Than What You Eat!

by Samoon Ahmad • May 27, 2016

 It seems as if every other article appearing in the news today is focused on weight-related concerns. Most famously, “The Biggest Loser” came under fire after new research into the current metabolic functions of its contestants was released. But plenty of other weight-related stories are also appearing right now. For example, CNN recently reported that […]

Refresh Your Health With A Detox & Cleanse At The Integrative Center For Wellness

by Samoon Ahmad • April 15, 2016

At the Integrative Center for Wellness, we believe that “Spring cleaning” is about more than cleaning out your home or apartment. Our bodies also deserve a little TLC during this time of renewal.  Our physical health is dependent on the body’s ability to do its job. Yet, day in and day out, our bodies are […]

Understanding And Treating Depression at the Integrative Center For Wellness

by Samoon Ahmad • March 30, 2016

 “Cheer up.” Those two simple words are an example of one of the misunderstandings surrounding depression today. Depression is not a matter of being happy or unhappy. It’s a real, chronic health issue that affects 1 in 10 Americans at any point in time. But unlike the physical ailments medical doctors treat daily, mental health […]