
Treating Mental Illness as a Chronic Disease: Reimagining care in psychiatry.
As seen in Psychology Today. Within the last 100 years, advances in the field of medicine have been nothing short of miraculous. Our understanding of disease, anatomy, and the intricacies of the central nervous system has grown in leaps and bounds, and our ability to quickly diagnose and cure a multitude of diseases would have been considered […]
What Happens To Your Brain When You Take Xanax
Dr. Samoon Ahmad, a practicing psychopharmacologist and psychiatrist at the Integrative Center for Wellness, discusses the short- & long-term effects of Xanax on the brain in a featured Business Insider video. “I know plenty of people who say they have anxiety and take Xanax—look how calm it makes them. It’s so relaxing, it’s like […]
How Adderall Affects Your Body
Dr. Samoon Ahmad of the Integrative Center for Wellness was recently featured in a Business Insider interview highlighting the effects of Adderall abuse on the brain and body. Adderall, the drug commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, has another less-than-ideal use — recreation. Adderall abuse is a growing problem, especially […]