
Let There Be Light: How Light Therapy Can Treat Depression and SAD
As seen in Psychology Today. Many individuals struggle with low mood and lack of motivation during the late-autumn and winter months. For some, these symptoms may be indistinguishable from depression. When this happens, the condition is known as seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder (appropriately named SAD). One may think that the reasons why these […]
Seeking Help: Treatment Options For Bipolar Disorder
Understanding that you have bipolar disorder and seeking treatment for it are two different things entirely. Finding effective treatment for a mental health disorder takes time, patience and persistence. And, finding effective help for bipolar disorder is critical to successful treatment. Seeking help is the first step. For many, this takes courage and strength. It […]
Influencing Wellness: What Impacts Your Goals And Determines Your Success
At the Integrative Center for Wellness, we offer holistic, tailored treatment plans that address multiple aspects of our patients’ health needs. Why? Because optimizing a plan of action requires more than a list of steps to reach that goal. It also requires careful analysis of the health factors likely to influence a patient’s ability to […]