Mental Health

Bipolar Disorder Advocates Are Role Models For a Full Life

by Samoon Ahmad • January 27, 2017

By now, Carrie Fisher’s Prozac pill-shaped urn is an internet sensation. While many are chuckling at the seeming novelty of the situation, there’s a fitting reason for the pill-themed funeral. Not only did Fisher battle bipolar disorder, depression, and addiction in her lifetime, she was also an outspoken advocate for mental health. Fisher was first […]

Seeking Help: Treatment Options For Bipolar Disorder

by Samoon Ahmad • December 20, 2016

Understanding that you have bipolar disorder and seeking treatment for it are two different things entirely. Finding effective treatment for a mental health disorder takes time, patience and persistence. And, finding effective help for bipolar disorder is critical to successful treatment. Seeking help is the first step. For many, this takes courage and strength. It […]

Mental Health, Neurotransmitters And Your Brain

by Samoon Ahmad • February 17, 2016

Depression. Anxiety. Bipolar disorder. ADHD. Once considered signs of “being crazy,” these illnesses and more are slowly being recognized for what they are: health issues that need to be addressed with dignity, respect, and treatment solutions that make a difference in patients’ lives. Just as we would expect doctors to treat a broken bone or […]