Serotonin’s Role in Long Covid
As seen in Psychology Today. Long COVID continues to be a major problem for millions of Americans. Loosely defined as the experience of new or persistent symptoms four or more weeks after initial infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the percentage of U.S. adults with long COVID has remained between 5.6% and 7.6% since late spring […]
Social Media and Herd Mentality
As seen in Psychology Today. Social media has profoundly altered the relationship between individuals and media by making consumption of media a dynamic process rather than a passive one. Social media platforms create open forums where consumers can engage directly with the creator of the media or with other consumers. Platforms also respond to what […]
ADHD — Strength in the Checklists: The Foundation of Consistency
As seen in Psychology Today. Routine as a Tool to Manage ADHD Patients with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) typically fall into one of three subtypes: predominately inattentive, predominately hyperactive/impulsive, or combined. These symptoms can interfere with academic, social, or occupational functioning. Though ADHD has long been thought of as a condition that only affects children […]