
How Clinicians Can Address Long COVID: Making sense of new studies that help pinpoint the phenomenon
As seen in Psychology Today. One of the most enduring questions about the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be the long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Given how pervasive infection has been, particularly during the omicron surge, this could have a tremendous impact not only on individual patients but specifically on healthcare systems and to a large extent on the […]

The COVID-19 Baby Bust How lingering pandemic anxiety is impacting fertility rates
As seen in Psychology Today. The COVID Era has been challenging for people from all walks of life. Beyond the enormous death toll, the lingering symptoms affecting long haulers, and reports that upwards of 30% of patients who develop severe COVID-19 infections subsequently meet criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), there has also been a tremendous psychological toll even among individuals who […]

What Seniors Hit Hard by the Pandemic Need Now New research suggests one way to address the impact on mental health.
For over a year, many of us within the medical community have been sounding the alarm about how the COVID-19 pandemic will impact the mental health of individuals across the United States in the long term. The percentage of adults who have reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders throughout the past year has remained […]