Integrative Center for Wellness • Dr. Samoon Ahmad
Influencing Wellness: What Impacts Your Goals And Determines Your Success
At the Integrative Center for Wellness, we offer holistic, tailored treatment plans that address multiple aspects of our patients’ health needs. Why? Because optimizing a plan of action requires more than a list of steps to reach that goal. It also requires careful analysis of the health factors likely to influence a patient’s ability to […]
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body: Understanding The Key To Overall Wellness
Imagine it: you’re ready to lose weight. You’re ready to find out exactly how many calories you need to eat (no more, no less) and what foods to never touch again. But then when you ask a professional to make your new dietary plan, the advice you receive is not about what you eat, but […]
More Than A Number: Weight Loss & Wellness
Can you remember how many weight loss ads you’ve seen this month? Probably not. Weight loss advertising and discussions are everywhere right now – especially since many people are headed to the beach. We ourselves have discussed weight loss recently, exploring the psychological factors that affect our dietary choices. However, our blog post – and […]